WALT reorganise information to gain an understanding of the text and wider world

Hi bloggers, welcome to the reading create task’s 1,2 and 3 for week 5. The first create task had 2 parts 1a and 1b, 1a was about finding 10 facts about your chosen art. I successfully got all 10 questions. Then, I presented my questions on a google slide. I added pictures of this art and made it really cool. This create task was kind of hard in a way. The first task was also very hard.

For create task 2, I made a shark but it was super hard to try and make it realistic. I guessed the line drawing item was probably the best association with pavement art or at least the items used to make pavement art. This was probably my best trying-to-make-something-realistic-but-it-doesn’t-look-like-it ever!!!! This was kind of like pavement art. I would’ve done a physical version of create task 2 because I would’ve done better. But still I loved this create tasks with because as a digi leader I love doing digital things!! I think this create task was the best of the best. Create tasks 3 is still a work in progress.

3 thoughts on “Create task 1, 2 and 3

  1. sup bruv malakai it’s a bit funny but I am proud of you malakai
    I have not seen this kind of blog ever before . I have a secret code to my cc camera . 14322343246624556y653356777322455sui!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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