Hi guys, as you probably know Wigram Primary was studying the treaty of Waitangi. First we learnt about the arrival of the English settlers, at first Lord Normanby sent William Hobson to NZ to make the Treaty I think. But when William Hobson got to NZ he saw some buyers, they were trying to buy land already!!!! When they got to shore William Hobson made a proclamation that the buyers couldn’t buy the land. Then, he went to a guy called James Busby and they made a draft treaty with a little bit of help from William’s assistant – James Freeman – they completed the draft. After the draft they gave it too Henry, he and his son translated it into Maori. The translation led to the making of the real treaty, but then many other settlers came, they wanted land and there was often conflict. That lead to the New Zealand Land Wars. It lasted to 1845-1872, the British took land from the Maori for “rebelling”. In the present there were many protestants. Then, New Zealand independence was announced. That’s why to this day all Maori people are free. There are many other blogs from my other classmates so make sure to check them out. {PLS MAKE SURE TO COMMENT OR ELSE!!!!!!}.

Reading poem

Hi fellow bloggers, today I’m blogging my blog is about the ANZAC poem that was on create task 2. We were supposed to write a poem about the ANZAC’s. It was in our poetry anthology. Have a read of it, it was a comparison poem. See ya!!!!!! (Make sure to comment or else…).

Winter sports selection

Hi again, I made my winter sport selection today. My 3 selections were: Football, Basketball and Goal ball. I chose all these to work on my bodily senses (e.g. kicking, shooting, jumping, hearing and touch). My first sport was football, I did play football but I stopped playing ages ago, but now football will be harder because we’re versing other schools. I want to test my skills and eventually get to the tournament. My second choice was Basketball, I love Basketball I play it at home and sometimes in the community. My third choice was Goal ball. It looked really hard  in the video so I want to challenge my self (I like a good challenge)!!!

Maths-New questions

Hi guys, today – another swimming day – I finished the last must do for the task board. But these were new questions. They were a bit harder. Me and my buddy Haroun started on the first question. I’d already finished  the first new question. Haroun did the second slide and I did the third. Most questions were very hard (next level!!!!!). We weren’t entirely sure though.

Writing- poetry anthology

Hi Ruru and Kereru, today I did Poetry. First, I looked at the different videos, I found out some poem ingredients, Rhymes, Repetiton and uuuuhhh something else I can’t remember. Then, me and Charlie decided on 2 poems. I did ‘ The worm that wouldn’t wiggle’ and Charlie did ‘Once I laughed my socks off’. We then made a Venn Diagram, I did poem 2 and Charlie did Poem 1. Both the poems we chose. After we finished that we started the comparison poem and I wish. You should see them!!!!!!!!! BYE!!!!!!!!!!

ANZAC Reading

Hi fellow bloggers, today during the first week of swimming we did a task board, I started with reading there were 3 create tasks. They were both about ANZAC day. I chose the ANZAC article ‘New Zealand at war’. It was about the ANZACs, when they first joined the war in 1915. The first create task was a Google drawing, we had to answer 3 questions. Then, in create task 2, I had to write 10 questions!!!! One of the interesting facts was about the last surviving ANZAC, Alec Campell. Create task 3 was about making a Pixton about your point of view about ANZAC day!!!!!! u