How commenting affects people

Hey guys  (again),

Today I’m going to show you ‘How Commenting Affects People’. We could choose if we were basing it off a ‘Good Comment’ or a ‘Bad Comment’, I chose a ‘Bad Comment’. I also used my character as the person who posted the ‘Bad Comment’ and Prab was the one who reacted to it. His reaction made him make boring blog posts for the rest of his blogging career, I’m starting to regret that fatal result. This only had 4 pages and was quite boring. And I couldn’t make the characters sit on the couch of the room so I spent like, 20 minutes trying to make the pixton character sit on the couch.

CHECK OUT THE 4-PAGE PIXTON!!!! You probably can’t see it because it’s a screenshot (But it’s proof)

Create tasks 1,2 and 3 Wk 9

WALT skim read to locate specific information and retell

Hi again, for this reading week we were focusing on Cultures in New Zealand I chose ‘Nian the New Year Monster‘. It’s about when, every winter, a ferocious monster rampages through a village, It forces everyone to flee into the caves until Nian left. But 2 young children Yen and Jun find a wa to stop Nian for Good!

Create Task 1

For create task 1, we were supposed to chose our favorite character from the book and use 5 adjectives to describe them. I wrote why I liked Nian, one of my reasons were I’m interested in Mythical Creatures, another was he looked cool with all the detail! Then, I moved on to my 5 adjectives they were FrighteningSpine-Chilling, Terrifiying, Spooky and Horrifiying. This create task was probably the easiest.

Create Task 2

For Create Task 2 we needed to find the main facts from either the Scaffholding, Complementary or Challenge text and put them in 6 boxes in our mind map. My first fact was ‘In the New year, people get ready and clean their house‘ and it also said to highlight the fact you found most interesting. This was the most interesting fact I found ‘People visit family and friends. They give each other oranges for good luck’. This task was easy almost as easy as create task one.


Create Task 3

For number 3, we had do, on a Canva Video, write a summary of our story that was about 2-3 sentences. This part only took a few minutes. I explained who Nian is and when he comes, I also wrote about the 2 characters who find a way to stop Nian from invading their village. Then, I recorded myself reading Create Task 1, it was about 21 seconds long and was very easy, I also read the adjectives back in Create Task 1 (FrighteningSpine-Chilling, Terrifiying, Spooky and Horrifiying).

Create task 3 by Malakai Dale


SEE YA NEXT TIME!!!!!😃😃😃😃😃😃😃

Maths – Fractions with Pizza’s

WALT add and subtract fractions beyond 1

Today for Maths, we were making Pizza’s (digitally) and fifthing, Halving and quartering them. There were 3 pizza’s, Meat Lovers, Extra Cheese and Veggie Supreme. The first pizza, the Meat lovers one had five pieces eaten so there were 3 pieces left of it. The next one was the Veggie Supreme which had 4 pieces eaten off of it that meant it had only 4 pieces left. The last one was the Extra Cheese which had 6 pieces left so there were 2 pieces left.

Maths Fractions

WALT: add and subtract halves and quarters

Hi bloggers today’s Math’s was about fractions and quarters and finding out how they can represent themselves through time, like 15 minutes is a quarter. The first step was to make a timetable in a Google Drawing that shows the senior hub’s general timetable. We made sure to add the when the subject started and how much minutes or hours long it was. Once we’d finished our timetable we were going to put in 3 questions about our timetable.

Look at the Drawing to answer the questions!!! 1. How long is it from Morning Tea to Reading? (Answer in Comments)

2. If Reading starts at 11:45 PM how long away is Lunch? (Answer in Comments)

3.  The time to go home is 3:00 PM, so how far back [in hours] is the start of school? (Answer in Comments)

Create task 1,2 and 3 wk 8

WALT summarize (in detail) in my own words

Hey, Bloggers this week is week 8 and today we were learning about cultural arts!! This week I decided to do ‘Painted Hoe‘. This book was about the paddles that the Maori used to paddle their Waka’s around the Pacific ocean.

Create task 1

The goal of this create task was to write 10 facts from your book and present them on a FLIP video. First, I got 10 facts from my book and summarized most of the questions. The facts 7-10 were hard to find because there weren’t much facts left but I didn’t allow that to stop me. I looked near the end of the book to find that there were some pages after the Glossary. Then, I was on to my FLIP video. It took a few recordings because I kept messing my words up. Then, finally I finished recording myself saying all 10 facts. This wasn’t the easiest create task but it was medium hard.


Create Task 2

For Create tasks 2 we needed to record ourselves reading 2 pages of our chosen book. That’s what I did. In chose page 1 and 3 to read. My recording to 1:07 seconds. I put in pictures of Maori paddles, Waka’s and made the size of my recording a bit bigger, I also changed the background color to Brown. This task was about as easy as create task 1 medium hard.

allow fullscreen

Create tasks 1,2 and 3 – Reading

WALT summarize (in detail) in my own words

Hi again bloggers (and others)!!

In week 7 every book was about cultural arts, not like drawing art, like martial arts and stuff like that. The book that I chose on Monday (because I wasn’t here on Friday) was ‘Not Just Kicking and Punching’. This book was about Ju-Jitsu a martial art performed mostly in Japan.

Create task 1

Create tasks 1 was about getting facts from your book and presenting them on a ‘Flip’. First I got the first and most major fact from the book and did the same with the nest 9. I took about 10-20 minutes. Then I typed in all 10 of my facts in my Flip video. But at the end of the reading session I accidentally deleted it :(. But today I recorded myself reading it. I think this create task was medium level of hard.


Create Task 2

For create task 2 we had to make  a Kahoot! about our book. First, there was a template that we made a copy of to plan our questions. There were 10 facts in all of the question blocks and 40 in the options boxes. This planning was very easy but took a bit of time. Here check out the planning sheet!!







Then, I moved onto my Kahoot!. I put in the first question which is up there and added pictures of Ju-Jitsu and other images related to what I was typing up. I put some True or false questions up as well. This Kahoot! was kinda hard and kinda easy, BOTH really medium!!!


Create tasks 1,2 and 3

WALT reorganize information to gain an understanding of the text and wider world.

Hey guys, today we had a book selection of different arts that were practiced across NZ. I chose ‘Earth Paints‘. It was focusing on the aboriginal arts and how you can make them.

Create task 1

For create task 1, we had to find 2 facts about the chosen art. First, I used the book for advice on it’s ingredients and where you can portray it. Then, In used my own knowledge about Earth paints and Aboriginal arts. This create task wasn’t very hard. Because I already had some practice with the 10-fact document before.  If  I could rate this create task out of 10 and easiest it’d be 7/10.

The next part of create 1 was 1-b. This was presenting my facts on either a drawing, slides or Canva. I chose slides, I assumed it was the easiest so I chose it. I put in my facts from the previous part and put in images of the type of art and that’s what I did.

Check it out!!!!

Create Task 2

For create task 2 I made a Gazelle using circles in the shapes section. I think this wasn’t my best Aboriginal art yet, but I could improve on this type of art. First I used brown circles for the body. My first idea was to make a snake, but then I realized it was way too hard for a kid like me. So half way through finishing my snake I decided that it looked like a Gazelle so I switched to a Gazelle. I used the line drawing tool to make the horns. I transformed a black circle into an oval for the eye and changed the background color to a Reddish-Brown for the skin an background of my Gazelle. After which I put in the ways to make the Aboriginal art itself.

Create task 3

The 3rd and final create task was making a Newspaper article basing it off a certain art then putting in the main events of NZ art. My chosen art

was ‘Down and Gritty’. This picture showed a man walking back to his home after work looking a bit sad. So in the text I wrote that it was a sad and sorrow type of art, picturing when life wasn’t exactly as good as it was today. Then, I made the main events of the NZ art and some about my chosen art.

Thanks for reading 😁😁😁😁😁

(make sure to comment!!!👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍)


Note: If there has been any hiccups in this blog post or my tasks pls give some counsel in the comments or in person!!!! THANKS👍👍👍

Create task 1, 2 and 3

WALT reorganise information to gain an understanding of the text and wider world

Hi bloggers, welcome to the reading create task’s 1,2 and 3 for week 5. The first create task had 2 parts 1a and 1b, 1a was about finding 10 facts about your chosen art. I successfully got all 10 questions. Then, I presented my questions on a google slide. I added pictures of this art and made it really cool. This create task was kind of hard in a way. The first task was also very hard.

For create task 2, I made a shark but it was super hard to try and make it realistic. I guessed the line drawing item was probably the best association with pavement art or at least the items used to make pavement art. This was probably my best trying-to-make-something-realistic-but-it-doesn’t-look-like-it ever!!!! This was kind of like pavement art. I would’ve done a physical version of create task 2 because I would’ve done better. But still I loved this create tasks with because as a digi leader I love doing digital things!! I think this create task was the best of the best. Create tasks 3 is still a work in progress.

Maths Negative Numbers

WALT Understand negative number lines

Hey guys, today for maths  I did negative numbers using IWS (interactive whiteboard software) to represent them. First, – (Top) –  I used the fraction number line (Blank) and wrote 1-10 positive and negative. Then, put in the numicon shapes. I first used the original numicon 1-10 shapes, after which, I went into resources and pushed on numicon shapes (Gray) to represent the negative numbers.

For the second one – (Bottom) –  I used the line on the ‘Draw’ subject and made the line. Then, I got 1-4 numicon shapes and placed the near the line. I wrote down the numbers name and got the Gray numicon shapes from 1-4 and put them near the gap in the middle representing the Zero (which is the start of the negative numbers).

I labelled the Numicon shapes so it’s definitely right. Without labeling it, it wouldn’t be right.

Until next time bloggers!!!! BYE!! 🙂 Make sure to check my other blog posts and comment if you enjoyed it or want me to improve.

Reading week 3-4 Create tasks 1 2 3 and 4

WALT: Understand the main ideas in the text

Hey bloggers,

For weeks 3 and 4 Kereru reading end was focusing on Famous New Zealanders, this week I did Sir Peter Jackson, he was a famous New Zealand filmmaker. The first create task was to make a Canva poster with 3 facts about your famous person. I looked at the Sir Peter Jackson PDF to summarize some facts about him. This was one of the easiest Canva posters to be honest. But this create task was only the beginning.

Sir Peter Jackson by Malakai Dale


The next create task was to write a diary entry using google docs, they first thing I did was go into Google docs, and started it with ‘Dear Diary’ and then wrote about his achievements, like taking on in the supporting role in Lord of the rings, after that helping with Tiintin and Hobbit and etc. After, trying to imagine what and how cool it would be to be knighted in 2010. Check it out!!!!!! Ithink this was hard, trying to think about how the person thought, felt and wanted, but comment if I missed anything I missed.

Now this is the 3rd create task making a pixton picturing my chosen famous New Zealander and the main moments that they experienced in a comic strip. I made Sir Peter Jackson as me (because I couldn’t find anybody who looked like him) added people who would’ve looked like movie characters from Hobbit or Tintin and put captions that told the audience (you) what was going on. I think this task was in the middle of easy and hard.

The last task 4, the ‘Book Review’. I did ‘Matilda’ because the Ruru end had finished Matilda. The book was about a young girl who uses her mystical powers to face her mean parents and mean Head Mistress. Then, I wrote aboutt my favorite parts of the book which were the cliffhangers like when Miss Honey says she’s Miss Trunchbull’s niece. I think this was the most easiest of task’s.